
The first proposed binomial would have had it be “Lookyhere lookyhere”

“this planet is dark and gross” - Exactly! I have been looking for an editor that will let me repaint the assets in CivBE &/or RT to be more pleasant and varied than the rust and waste oil pallet that dominates in the original. Even the info cards are dull gray with dull gray text. Was it designed to depress? ‘Coz

Now THAT’S Acting!!!!!

“ST: Amazing wholly conceived worlds with fascinating people”

Is there a utility for shifting the coloring of tiles, etc? If I could find such a thing I would like to alter the dirty, rusty colors that dominate CivBE. I want to like this game, but the overall colors are so depressing. Reminds me of working in a filthy factory, not a lush alien land of wonders. I want to change

It’s not that they couldn’t do the math. They got distracted arguing if those are real animals, and if they are, then aren’t Unicorns and Leprechauns also?

Not to mention that the word is spelled properly several times in the article. Whem a person cannot learn from what is right before their eyes . . . . . . .


Origin < Horsecrap.

The Red Lady had lived well, before the Romans arrived.

Maybe it’s changed since the first season, but the first episodes revulsed me by their unbelievable ignorance. A clan of ‘criminal’ teens sent all on their own on a critical mission, with no control or contact from the authorities (crappy as they were.) Only an anti-social teen would lap up that vomit. Of course, that

No. They are Starch, only starch.

It’s a Streetlight!!!!

Now playing

The only thing that foxes do well is get stuck in a fence. Just watch this channel for a few weeks and you’ll be convinced.

Did you know that you can subscribe to shows that you like on YouTube and get them to send you Email when new clips are uploaded?

Dang!!! My comment!!!!

Those would make me so happy each time I saw them!!!

No mention of Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns? Its release date is Oct. 23.

On that dryly hilarious comparison, I’m off to watch the debate.

WATCH IT AGAIN! This time, at 01:15, drop the speed down to 25%.