
I’ve gotten the impression that Periscope is always in Vertical Video mode.

Nobody thinks that the women using A/M are making money from it?????

Dr. Zimmerman????

Big surprise, they are all Apiaceans (in the carrot family.)

As indicated by TFA and comments, there are 3 things known as anise, 2 or more known as fennel, and on and on. So which is the one dogs like? And which did your dogs get?

And how would anyone know what the things which taste similar to us humans, what they would taste like to a dog?

What would prevent you from adding anise, fennel, or licorice root to whatever you might want to eat? They are foods.

Somebody read me this book NOW!


I saw the Star right away.

Too late. They been eaten already.

Months ago there was a “best guess” sort of article from someone who had access to bits about Star Wars. Serkis’ character name was given as Snoke (or something quite close to that) who would be leader of the First Order (the Empire). I must have read it on io9, although io9 now seems to have forgotten about it.

So “Gorgeous” in your dictionary has quite a different definition from that in mine.

Probly means you’ll get a notice of new content from “What you’re following” by eMail or tweet to the phony address you gave in your profile.

Spaceship makes incredible soft landing just as it runs completely out of existence.

I’m going to guess that it’s the (CH3)2 structure that fits to a particular odor receptor. Sulfur is pretty good at making smelly compounds, but elemental S has no strong odor in any of its forms.

“It’s not fair that I should have to clean my yard!”

The version I heard is a bit funnier imho, but longer.