
The humor and camaraderie are what I remember most of the TV show.

I suspect that many industrial farms do not have “soil” any more. Chemical culture may be killing off the culture of soil organisms that would naturally control gut bacteria.

What makes you think those gut bacteria grow on the inside of vegetables????

Mmmmmm, boiled lettuce!

An assumption based on fallacy.

Note that Thalidomide is not banned in the USA. It still has a variety of uses, bringing relief from several problems.

Of course it has nothing to do with the richest people constantly trying to get more money with convoluted schemes. Rich folks only want to redistribute wealth to the Worthy, right?

Compute while you Commute.

Headline makes it sound like the whole dang match stays unburnt.

I say “GIFF”, the same as Gift. And of course USA is “Ooossah.”

I knew someone who named their new son William Reuben. How did no one at the hospital see what that would lead to?

The moment I saw that UtD was being broadcast again I decided that I will not watch broadcast TV any more. That decision was confirmed by the first playable clip here, ,which started out with some interesting character interaction but led up to red-hair asking “what is it?” while staring at a wall of flame, and baldy

What is this “Grassland” of which you speak?

At least Futurama’s final episode was good, more than good, nearly perfect.

All cladograms are wrong. Wait a week and you’ll see I was correct.

There is a much older story of one person’s suffering bringing blessings to many. The twist here is that the sufferer knew the cost and set out on his course fully aware, intent to make the best of things while he could.

I’m late to the story of Arendt, but has anyone considered that she might have been murdered in custody?

This is pretty nice. All the vitalizing power is quickly spread out in nature to get other things growing immediately. Other animals’ droppings are localized and too ‘hot’ with noxious compounds to cause growth until some decomposition takes place.

Ditto Thurston: More orchards should make a little room for PawPaws, and work with a University on developing it. They will never ship far, but can be important locally and make jams and other products. There are many flavors. The tree is handsome with large ‘tropical’ leaves and it’s hardy up to parts of Michigan.

Glad you got a tasty one. There are many varieties with a range of flavors. There are several Universities studying the varieties, commercial culture, and marketing of Paw Paws. GIS for ““paw paw” -papaya” still returns many pix of Papaya, so this is the real “Michigan Banana”: