
As confused as a teenager in love?



"Hobbes, old pal, I'm kinda glad the power went out tonight"

Your Tax Dollars at bio-break

A flat paper mask?!?!???

Oh No You Di'int !!!!!

Probably an anti-node of Florida.

It was so ridiculous to have ST/2009 retcon the whole timeline, opening up a multiverse of story possibilities, only to go right the heck back to the original series trough for the second movie.

It hurts to see those memories so broke down. At least the Unisphere is still in decent shape. It would be so fine to know the NYS Pavillion is rehabbed and put to good use.

Still can't hit a damned thing!!!!

I have made such an argument, if you care to look for it here.

R.L. Kuhn comes up short in his list of options for salvation. Any other corporeal sentients have no need to be saved. They were made perfect and remain so.

That seems very interesting. Not unique or original, but well done. I'm in.

I was SHOCKED when he grabbed it!!!

Yep, I did that right after my last post, although I had read them first time thru'.

You may be confusing "feelings" with "beliefs".

That's just fine, enjoy your own little world. But when others mention these things (as they so often do) in a more formal sense, be aware that this is how they think about these terms. Have fun explaining how your view differs.

Feeling "ashamed of what you do in private" is an aspect of guilt, what you feel about yourself. There's a conflict with words as used commonly versus a more strict definition of those same words. It might be better to put it as "felling regret (a result of guilt) over what you do in private," to be consistent with
