

Lots of talk about this and that video etc., but there's a bigger phenomena going on -


It was conspecific. All three of us are chimps.

Just so we can go through this stuff all over again:

Same results for me.

Still no explanation for the sudden appearance of angiosperms?

OMG why didn't I stop at at 5:30, when I was simply bored with the crap?!?!? Why did I think, "eh, just another minute, give it a chance"? IT DOESN'T DESERVE A CHANCE!!!!

I thought you had put the tag on yourself, as I have here.

Gah! Why so long to fix such an obvious illiteracization?

Why???? it seems almost every month io9 has new photo or video of the Milky Way.

Why do some trees live thousands of years?

"The common mangroveS, a TYPE OF treeS that grows along . . ."

So how do you pronounce "0000"????

Nice. We can watch the whole 85 mins. right here from that link.

I got four large wisdom teeth removed under N2O. It was painless, even amusing. I was conscious but a bit giddy, amused to be 'observing' the procedure. I felt pressure from the tools grabbing and (i think) leveraging the teeth out, felt the pop and release when they came loose, and one had to be cracked to get it

Did GIS on both and still can't see a "familial resemblance". No way I'd take those two to be siblings. That's calling for a huge suspension of disbelief right from the start. Otherwise seems like an interesting story concept.

I had the same impression, gotten from "Brightside Crossing" by Alan E. Nourse, published in [en.wikipedia.org]

Bring back plenty of good video, K? Don't forget your monopod.

Most of them seem like there was a good joke coming, but the clip cut short of the punch-line.