
I though Donny had his head in Craigslist!

This is the Garden of Eden of farms. Pick one apple and you’re in hell. Get accuse for stealing six apples, you’re done for.

Wallace the Walrus with flapping tits from Wooster. I am completely shocked!

Wallace’s favorite hair shampoo.

Why paddle when one can swim? Maybe ad some fins, no mask required, no snorkel. You can use a PFD life vest, inflate slightly for buoyancy. It stores well and one enjoys less gear. Great exercise.

Bartlett has a fiancee? WOW, Poor chick. I feel so sorry for her.

Why not give him 5 month of sewing new BLM flags every day. And, have him attend all Black Lives Matter Meetings. In addition, make him work for a black enterprise. Furthermore, he must help a black community services. When he is all finished Blow-his-head-off with his own gun.

Especialy in the cold, rain and snow etc.?

“... See the white Audi on the left side in the image below? A woman sat in the driver’s seat as three men pushed it for over half a mile towards this second checkpoint. I don’t know what happened to the car, but if I had to guess, the stifling heat and endless stop-and-go traffic caused something to get too hot.

A wedding in Turkey? Sounds like the chickens are rousting!

The Changli.

And, when you land on the ground it is much softer. They could literally jump off and land within an hour or so.

Give us the chance to participate. Set up a GoFundMe for the mother. I am not tech savvy. But I’ll support

The best I have heard so far is from a road sign along one of the highways in the old days EAT HERE AND GET GAS”!

Woman vs corporation. They should make a movie on this. Staring Scarlett vs Mickey Mouse or Minie Mouse. Who cares, they are all rich bastards.

Good place to unload their stuff Rot-ter-Dam!

families of wolves?

It also shows that those who buy and own these big truck are also fat asses and need all that room and shock absorbing functions, “Gotta be a big tough guy”. The rim of their stomach is larger that the M1 Abrams with the brain size of a small car stick shift knob. And nothing in between.

It is not a mouse, but more like a rat.