John B

Really, this must have been LeBron’s dream outcome from the very beginning of his return to Cleveland:

Oh jeez, here come the cool witty atheists with their flying spaghetti monster jokes...

Is manwich a sandwich? Or is manwich a meal?

Maybe they can determine whether or not a hot dog is a sandwich while they’re at it.

“Dammit” backwards is “Tim mad.” [Head explodes]

Hence the important modifier “exciting”!

The fuck-up on this one is that green is now green apple.

“let’s see him do that on water” - Tim Tebow

I would like to see a new ball added after every 15 minutes of scoreless minutes played.

Seriously though:

“Cockroach? Cockroach? COCKroach? Nice.” — Gronk

When did this happen? Now I can’t stop seeing Uncle Shaq...

Not tryin’ to be that guy but Isaiah was in the All Star game last year. So... he’s not really making a debut.

Well judging by the picture, Grigson will be headed Eastbound and Down

MABA: Make America Bane Again

This ought to shut the highlight truthers right the fuck up. See? They do call traveling in the NBA.

Less go shake der hans

Back in my day, the kids never even MADE it to Oregon.

Not shitty training, finely honed racism.