
I think I’m going blind, because I’ve watched that top gif before and have no clue what he’s doing that’s dirty. Falling down on someone?

Aussies gonna Aus...


It’s going to be like watching a weird leg-sword fight with Delly trying to sweep the leg while Draymond is simultaneously trying to use it to shatter Delly’s nuts

I blame Rob, who added that sentence.

less episodes


Nah. Anakin was forced to relinquish it in RotS. Luke claimed it in ANH. Rey claimed it in TFA. Rey then gave it back to Luke at the end of TFA. Therefore, it’s Luke’s. :P

Nice try Kraggle!

I believe you mean a blank-eyed three-shooting Vulcan pirate from a parallel universe.

Pictured: Steph with 5 minutes left in this game.



you missed the best part

This video made this Player One glad that she that is visiting her Player Two this weekend. And, since he is going through a hard time right now, I’m taking our old N64 with me, so this video knew just what feels button to punch!

Because that’s when senpai finally notices them.

“Daaay wakah”

I could definitely use that, since Pay Day is not for another week