
That’s like two PRACTICEs to talk about!

One of my favorite quotes came from an episode title:

One of the most striking lines of dialogue went something like a character asking Ally why her problems are a big deal since there are other bigger problems in the world, and she said “but these are MY problems”.

“But I’m not a rapper.”

Read that as Darth Pheriod.

I’ll hold your beer.

You mean “on a bun”, as in the hotdog sandwich’s bun, yeah?

Rereading those now... man the format was Trump-like.

A true Gregg Popovich guy.


Everyone was busy with incest?

+1 sting like a bee punchline

OR fucking who!

Meanwhile, in Marvel, Captain America throws his mighty shield at the..

The writing felt like Grant Morrison.

Selling out arenas?

Look at what we made her do!

Mamba Mentality!

What steps did you have to take afterwards? How long did it take for things to clear?

I read that as “too many cocks spoil the broth”..