
Stupid idea. Will remain in development hell for another 20 years.

If this interests you, you should check out the 2048-inspired game Circle of Fifths.

As bad as that... whatever it was fake documentary Confederate States of America.

Maybe the sex cult he’s running is taking up too much of his time.

Can’t wait for him and BP to get the shit sued out of them.

Basing a reaction to a reasoned argument on gender (Way to Mansplain that!) is not only counterproductive, ignorant and reactionary, but it’s also in itself, sexist.

This reasoning is undercut by the fact that Airlines were only actually profitable after the massive government bailouts following 9/11.

Ketchup! Got a problem with that? Fight me!

The corners of my mouth hurt just looking at it.

“Egg-eating bird of prey”. I’d assumed that they still taught Latin in the UK, but apparently not.

I agree; the changes are too little, too late. I was an avid Civ I-V player, but VI abandoned me.

It’s fucking GameStop. They’re WORSE than the eBayers who’re still scalping them.

Five months ago, they got 530Sv/h.

The zombie apocalypse?

I hate ads masquerading as news, that’s what pisses me off.

The text description of an unreleased preview trailer didn’t scream “spoilers” to you?

It’s been well-proven by now that Marvel is the only studio that can do this in an entertaining way.

Oooooh sensationalism!

Literally here to just make sure that Papers Please was somewhere on the page.

Last time I used a mousepad was a piece of paper as one, on a glass table in an airport, when my laser mouse couldn’t see the glass.

Last time I used a mousepad was a piece of paper as one, on a glass table in an airport, when my laser mouse