"The sad part is that I'm still going to get Skyrim the minute it hits the stores. I have principles. But I also like good games." @notch
"The sad part is that I'm still going to get Skyrim the minute it hits the stores. I have principles. But I also like good games." @notch
Aha I don't even know what came over me.
Spoiler alert much? Man, I usually don't care but this really pisses me off.
Kids, or now adults, all over Japan will get to feel this^ again.
"the latest Onechanbara, Onechanbara Z Kagura, will be released this winter in Japan on the Xbox 360"
i love you so much for reminding me of this. EVERYBODY TO THE LIMIT!
fuck you powered by hentai. fuck you AND your ps3.
" more than just the selection of character faces and random battle scene we've grown accustomed too."
they should get adam hughes to do her costume. guy's in love with her [adamhughes.deviantart.com]
raiders of the lost ark? did i miss me some harrison ford?
reminds me of MY small and thick bamboo fun ;) ... that sounded better in my head
why has this white mage shirt not been made yet. get to it sweatshops!
i just bought the orange box today...
GAUNTLET LEGENDS!!! that's a brawler right?
these are mugen characters...
The Pauper of the Surf!