I love praying mantids. I had one as a pet one late summer, and watching her catch and eat crickets was a thing of beauty. This one is clearly agitated, as shown in the last photo.
I love praying mantids. I had one as a pet one late summer, and watching her catch and eat crickets was a thing of beauty. This one is clearly agitated, as shown in the last photo.
Evans is awful. Fire him, and give the main presenter job to Tribbiani. Also, MOAR SABINE!
MUCH better. Moar Sabine! God, I love her.
I fully expect Jalopnik to continue to exist even if Gawker, Inc. goes away. If not here, then elsewhere. I cannot say the same for other Gawker verticals, no names mentioned *coughJezebelcough*
Evans is unwatchable. The rest of it was alright. Even Tribbiani.
Evans’ voice is annoying as shit. He’s nails-on-a-chalkboard with dumb hipster glasses. They’ve ruined it. BBC has ruined Top Gear.
This lasts 2 seasons, TOPS. I will watch, of course, because a flaming dumpster shitshow is always entertaining.
Stock, because other peoples’ modifications are shit, but well used, since you’re gonna be replacing most everything anyway.
Brown? Turbodiesel? Manual?
I had a white ‘93 Z34. My first “grown-up” car. So fast, so fun.
I was in Vegas in late January when they were filming this. They blocked off sections of Las Vegas Boulevard to do so. Real cars, real drivers, a real street, real action. Looks badass... 10/10 will watch.
As 2 Acura NSXs
Manual transmissions are for people who still get up from their couch and rotate a dial on the TV set to change the channel. Thank God for 21st century technological advancements like remote controls and such.