
these articles are kinda like the "death of the pc" or "death of console gaming" or "death of something something"....

what are these strange paper-like bills that are being displayed in the pictures for this article? ohhhh... right... this is what you use to pay strippers with.

regarding suspension of disbelief and reality-

awesome article. and as it pertains to fiction, i learned a lot.

i can't watch torture porn at all but i would've been interested in shirley's thoughts on the first "hostel".


totally agree. people have ALWAYS been people. and there have always been vile motherfuckers and it would be a tough case to make to say that we are worse now.

hehehehehe... hehehehe.... 69... hehehehe

wtf. i'd like to know whether HE thought the ending was good... and stake his taste on that answer.

sigh. be dense.

yes. and america is a very homogeneous place where cities and major metropolitan centers are completely segregated by race and where no one has ever heard of anything called "a melting pot" and that term was never used to describe it.


but "abducting them" and teaching them physics math and science and the underpinnings of actual reality - that would benefit them. not only in principle but also in their daily lives (agriculture, meteorology, crafts, arts, medicine, etc).

i vividly remember reading the frog issue with the little princess frog who was lovie dovie and then the intensity of the moment where frog thor is trying to lift the hammer, convinced that this would break the spell and once again make him THOR!

yeah, there's a lot of hemming and hawing in that "study"... very equivocal. how many GODDAMN FUCKING TIMES does that guy say "may".

are you sure you weren't just witnessing a fight?

have you seen one? can you name one? can you define the turf of one?

i know why... but WHYYYYY are there multi-cultural gangs in movies?

what would you say is problematic when it comes to evolutionary psych? in as much as that describes what HAS HAPPENED in terms of our evolutionary history and is trying to describe general phenomena (and not outliers), i don't see what could be of issue.

cool. dna isn't a one way street. it informs what we become but what we do (or is done to us) affects us and perhaps our ancestors.