
short version.

hmmm... lotta right wing wingnuts comin' outta the walls for the tax discussion eh....

i used to be a pessimist until i realized that it is no more an accurate perception of reality as optimism... so since you can't see the "whole picture" anyway, might as well see the good.

it's not at all about supernatural intervention... it's about those aspects of life that are influenced by psychology. you can prime yourself to have good outcomes or bad outcomes - WHERE APPLICABLE.

that's part of what the article is talking about.

there is no such thing as supernatural luck. did you read the article? it's trying to explain with natural reasons for the phenomenon that is perceived as and called "luck".

luck is not intelligence or even strongly correlated.

richard wiseman's book - "the luck factor" is a good read and where this stuff comes from.

and for poetry and literature, that's fine.

i REALLY don't like the jim lee version with the jacket for one reason: the superhero costume is a COSTUME. it's not civilian wear. it's like putting batman in a literal trenchcoat or superman in a windbreaker.

haha... do you have an authoritative hermeneutical thesis paper that unequivocally proves that it is meant to say one thing and one thing only and that your interpretation is indeed that one thing? where do you derive the authority to know the "one true" interpretation?

6. ... like we recognized them as paths to the gods in ancient times.,,,

this is one of the most inane thing i've ever read.

I KNOW!!! WTF?!?!?! this is like the densest thing ever written. and that commonality doesn't just describe scifi and mystery but ALL fiction!

as i said, i'm not religious and i'm aware that the quote can have a religious interpretation.

yeah but best contrast would be against "the office".

alas, i'd say this is not a good movie. kinda tone deaf in its use of language too. it's awesome that they chose to use profanity with "fuck"s "motherfucker"s and etc... but instead of saving them for maximum impact, the script is so littered with profanity that what could have been hysterical merely became ho

yah, i think i'm in the same camp as misfit110 where my natural inclination is more towards action than horror. and yes, alien itself is a great movie in its own right. i mean, it is indeed the source of all the xenomorph lifecycle details (except for the queen). and again, i love the fact they don't take the

actually, if you just take it dead literally, it is a fitting description of the world and the psychology of man.

when it comes to descriptions of the cosmos and such, that's true. but again, there's a lot of psychological truisms and wisdom to be found in the wisdom books. think of it as eastern medicine. it's not backed up by rigorous scientific investigation but through generations of simple observation and trial and error.