
contrary to many who mystifyingly liked the 3rd one, i think that's where indy's shark was jumped.

wuuzzuuuhh? how does the guy miss the fact that he is a jesus analog in that he's a baby from heaven come to save the world?! THAT is why he is ludicrously blatantly a jesus analog.

yeah but 'odyssey dawn' sounds like a rockin' avant garde 70s porno with queen doing the soundtrack... and now that i've conceived of it, i want to see it!

the quote makes sense. the title of this article does not. "thousand of times 'below NORMAL'"?

weird, doesn't show dropbox folders or files at all even after i correctly added it. interface is not intuitive... i'm gonna say i don't like it so far.

man... i wanted that kid soooo bad to die.

personally, aside from the boot colors, i think this is a credible design for a female superhero costume. certainly better than the inexplicable victoria's secret as street wear or stripper chic that is prominent in comics.

yeah, why not red boots? it would be a very nice accent. right now, it looks kinda imbalanced.

still sweet spot reliant. there are 9 different angles and a fixed range. same thing as other parallax barrier screens... if you move it across your field of view or you move horizontally, you're going to keep dropping into and out of sweet spots.

ipad's gigantic advantage is the app store. and there's nothing on the vanilla android side that can compete with that. amazon can fix that. amazon can create a marketplace specifically for its kindle color... and that really can be a game changer. that could be a tablet that can compete and get some traction

well it would explain a lot of things in terms of animal instinct. there's not a whole lot of verbal teaching going on in the animal world but animals seem to know what's up. same thing with animal and human babies having the wherewithal to latch onto a teat to eat. i mean, how does it know how to do that?

replace "science fiction" with "stereoscopic 3d" and this article works interchangably on that topic... wonder if they're related... you can conceivably get a lot more 3d mojo going on a sci fi flick than with terrestrially bound material.

it's interesting that at one time, we thought the earth was the center of the universe but then we got all scientific about it but now science says that there is NO center of the universe... that there is no central point from which the universe is expanding away from... and that kinda brings us all the way back to

problem i'm seeing on news channels is a failure to distinguish between the radiation (electromagnetic waves that are completely impervious to the effects of wind) and the radioactive PARTICLES of uranium, cesium, etc. that are actual little BITS OF STUFF, "matter" in other words, that constantly EMIT radiation, like

how brain dead is the writer and the audience for that matter that can accept a premise like this?!

that's generally the impetus to start book clubs isn't it? so that you can have someone to talk about what you just read with. that's the problem with books in general as opposed to something like tv or movies. there's no real "mass culture" aspect to it unless you go with breakouts like harry potter.

WTF? why did no one have the presence of mind to move a fucking F-16?!

WTF? why did no one have the presence of mind to move a fucking F-16?!

dude, don't you fucking lump nihilists with those whackos!

actually, i haven't seen a single vid that included people being caught up in the tsunami... i think it speaks to either the taste of people taking the vids or efficacy of the evacuation drills.