
yeah, fuck this stupid, untenable and thoughtless topic.

loooved the question about the light from the big bang.... basically, it's what i always kinda wonder about - that light traveling "outward" would determine the "leading edge" of the expanding universe but everywhere we look, we're not looking out to the leading edge but "in" to the past and the big bang.

@Devin Teague Connelly: awesome question. it's what i was wondering while watching the young guy's answer.

@Phil Metal Jacket: actually, this is something that i have a problem wrapping my head around too but the answer is that you can't NOT look into the big bang!

seems like it's more a reflection of technology infiltration doesn't it?

@inannamute: you're thinking about the issue after it's already become a problem.

another big reason why we haven't really noticed the ABSENCE of 3d in 2d movies -

just from the sections quoted:

@InBattleThereIsNoLaw: right. i'm aware of characters like kurosawa and david lean getting nutty over details like the consistency of the sand and dirt on their sets and locations so i get the mindset... just not in this day and age... really, you're going to actually drag TONS of SAND to bumfuck malta?! instead of

pardon me but WTF? why... again... WHHHHYYYYY did they need to bring... SAND?!

they should do a matrix reboot where 2 and 3 were just a dream.

alas, a regular walled with a wallet pen (tiny pen that i clip in centerfold) and my iphone3gs ends up serving my purposes well.

damn, if the "hose" in the middle is for his third leg, nasa dudes have some GIRTH on them!

@AlienHandSyndrome: awesome... totally. it looks like it was designed by nike or speedo or something...

@BoxOfScraps: it wouldn't to your loved ones...