
@SmokeDiver: it's boring. it's dull slow and boring as all fuck. none of it makes sense. it's poorly constructed in story. you may like it for the visuals. or for some other quality. but as a FILM - it fails completely on almost every level.

@ScavengerMonk: "And riddle me this, folks: If Clu's army had made it to our world, would the whole thousand program army all have been shot out of the laser into Flynn's office? "

@MR2_FTW: liked avatar (especially extended). hated tron. i thought it was boring as hell.

since we're being judged by taste:

ideally the colors are RED + CYAN... not red and blue...


i can't help but feel like all this facial reconstruction from a skull is kind of a blind shot in the dark. sure, you have the base understructure but lots of things impact the appearance apart from that.

i doubt they'd do the study but i'd like to really see the results of these guys put up against championship level FPS players... i get a feeling that the results would be the same.

and better than anything is stuffing yourself into a refrigerator. these are widely believed to be able to take the brunt of not only the heat and radiation near ground zero of the blast but also provide sufficient shock absorption after it is hurled thousands of feet away by the blast wave.

dammit. marvel is a classic example of penny wise dollar stupid. you don't make money if you ruin a franchise.

awwwww... as cool as mjornil is, it's got nothing on the thagomizer... named after the late thag simmons.

what?! i was totally lead to believe that there would be tentacle rape after the jump...

what?! what a gyp... i was totally lead to believe that there would be some variety of tentacle rape after the jump....

meh. cedes too much control to a foreign entity. right now, pc users in general and linux in particular are all about self control.

@Aibyouka-kun: hahahaha... chaotic good here too!!! striving for chaotic neutral though... : )

"...we're gonna be doin' one thing and one thing only: killin' nazzys.