
@tetracycloide: well i consider most conservative thought to be rather dim witted so since you're being dim witted, i'm making an assumption.

@Swifter: i think canada, france, england and the rest of western europe may be a better comparison.

@ltwass: again, when the activity requires critical thinking ability, it is not beyond the pale to require said ability.

@TheFur: "Amazing how many here need to retake history or have blatenly ignored it."

@Sean Brant: " Academia is composed primarily of very left-leaning individuals, many of whom like to look down on conservatives, especially those without solid academic credentials."

@artiofab: clearly, because REALITY has a left bias. i am not joking.

@tetracycloide: not what i'm saying. as i say in my original post, there are people on the right that are intellectually capable but self serving and evil (more or less). THEY SHOULD PARTICIPATE AND FIGHT.

@J_Frank_Parnell: "The only qualifications you need to vote are citizenship and to have reached your 18th birthday. The law protects this right so that people like you can't take it away for arbitrary reasons. "

@CarrerCrytharis: nono, i'm afraid disney started it... very decidedly with robin williams' genie in aladdin.

@Matt Grandis: "liberalism is fascism" is untenable anyway... when fascists come into power, who are the first ones they lock up? the intellectuals and liberals. never understood this particular moronic ploy from the ultraconservative nutjob set.

@justajason: right right but with that chick that was crawling with her arms cuz she didn't have bottoms, they're hardly a threat to the ambulatory.

@justajason: errrr... this just got real yo... like unnecessarily real....

i used to think that the right's hatred of leftist "elitism" was about wealth and money... but that's really not true. carl rove, dick cheney, the bushes, rupert murdoch, glenn beck, limbagh... these are all incredibly wealthy people.