
Star Trek Phase 2, from the 1970s!

RE: squandering his gifts on those innocuous Happy Feet movies

Kirk v Picard follows us to this hypothetical "which boss" scenario. Awesome.

There you go. Isaac for dad, Leo for boss.

Oh yes, Barney Miller for the motherfucking win. Well done!

Leo McGarry

I was a hardcore DC fan in my youth, and the 70's-era DC universe was the reason why.

…even some I've liked (Ron Lim and Steve Dillon, for example).

-just Kirk's perception. Which opens up a whole new barrel of worms, I realize.

I still don't understand how someone that cranky could write some of the most fun comics.

During Byrne's run on FF in the 80s, both Johnny & Susan got haircuts, and they actually looked modern and stylish and recognizable. Johnny's cut was a little punk. I was impressed at the time. They looked like real haircuts that you could see on people out in the world.

Ms Marvel is supposed to be good?
Or get some 20-yr-old Supergirl comix by Peter David.

To be fair, he varies the hairstyles a lot.

maybe they should bring this sort of WW back?

Blue electric Superman!

Byrne is one of the fastest pencillers of all time, or he used to be: like a page an hour. If *HE* can't keep up, then no one can.

Ultimately, the choice works for me in WOK because it makes a great story. It's fantastically tightly written, and the rest of the themes wouldn't work without that piece, and if that means a lack of consistency in the canon, well, that's Star Trek.

No, I got it. But evidently that doesn't pass the test.

I'm pretty sure Starfleet would be would be more than happy to give the captain the go ahead to drag its flagship into the Neutral Zone to save the crew and passengers on a ship of questionable intent. Plus the fact that the test was programmed by a vulcan who spent his life in the pursuit of logic must realize the

the series itself has wildly inconsistent themes and characterizations, depending on the writer