
It's brilliant. Varys is completely offscreen anyway for two whole books. It might as well be Varys in Illyrio's role in the next set of things that Tyrion does.

It's real ambiguous. You want to believe Charles Dance when he says he would stop the execution, maybe send Tyrion to the Wall. But Tyrion's observation that that was exactly the deal Ned Stark got, is exceptionally cutting. Whether Tywin meant it or not, there was no way Tyrion was going to believe him.

Agree with this. I was always unhappy in the books that Tyrion lied to Jaime about that. Would have liked Jaime to be able to see his brother clearly.

Well, Shae grabbed the knife in self-defense, as Tyrion was on top of her and attacking her.

Also doesn't Shae use that "My Lion" endearment, when she hears Tyrion approach the bed and she still thinks it's Tywin? That's a last bit of gall — a trigger.

"Irrational hatred" for Theon? He sacks Winterfell and has two children murdered. What's irrational about hating him for that?

I liked "Drunk Daddy" by the Cherry Poppin' Daddies.

Shit, these are on Netflix too!

Best of Both Worlds (2 parts), Inner Light, Ensign Ro, Cause and Effect. Also seen parts of a couple others here & there, not on any lists.

178 is "about 175", so not necessarily any.

Oh ok. Yeah, he broke that one.

Old man out. The only reason I recognized the term is that my 17yo stepdaughter used it the other day. Er, last month sometime.

Just before.

Funny how different our viewpoints are.

I agree with this completely. He discovers that his actual duty requires things that "publicly" or from the outside seem dishonorable; his grudging acceptance of that, plus his determination to do the right thing (once he figures out what that is), are great.

The battle in this episode was miles better than the battle in Blackwater, which looked cheap and budgetary. Blackwater probably had more fun dialog moments: Cersei/Sansa, Hound/Sansa, Tyrion all over the place. Did Tyrion slap Joffrey again in that episode? That's always a crowd favorite. Also Bronn, Pod.

Charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent?

Oberyn kept his promises, though. He vowed to get the Mountain to confess, and he told Ellaria that he was going to kill "that". Check on both counts.

That's not how it went in the book.

That's funny, I can list about 175 episodes of TNG that are too bland & boring to pay close attention too.