
Pretty much exactly the same as you, Bloodorne (I've been on a 3 day work trip and I'm dying to get back to it tomorrow). Then I want to pick up the DS2: Scholar of the First Sin for PS4, I finished DS2 recently, but never played the expansion packs.

That's awesome!

I need to go to one of your parities.

Have you tried it Taboos? I was always intimidated by the Souls games, then a few weeks ago I picked up a used copy of Dark Souls 2, and I loved it. I now can't wait to play Bloodborne.

Patrick, thank you for your review, glad to have official confirmation that this game is as awesome as it was expected to be and should be!

I am a latecomer to the Souls series as well. I'm just about finished with Dark Souls 2 and can't wait for Bloodborne on Tuesday! These are the most satisfying games I've played in a long time.

I'm new to the Souls series, playing through DS2 for the first time now, in preparation for Bloodborne. I'm doing it all offline, only because I'm playing on my old 360 and let my Gold membership lapse since I mostly use my PS4 now.

I like many was going to buy a "next-gen" system no matter what and have been a loyal Xbox fan since the original Halo came out. The 2001 Thanksgiving break that I spent mostly at college playing Halo instead of at home was magical.

At least the heavy ammo bug is fixed! At this point, with the no new content and general lack of content, I look forward to these patches almost as much as expansion packs. Weapon rebalancing! Unintentionally nerfed Vex! Heavy Ammo for everyone! If I get too excited Bungie might start charging for patches.