
So, two of these birds flew over my office today and one of them appeared to have some sort of tall (3’ or so) pylon sticking straight up from the center of the top of the wing. Something I’ve certainly never seen before and don’t see in any photos. Possibly some sort or comms antenna or countermeasure, I would

Well, we may all be giggling at this relatively unstable aero machine and the black-socked aviator on board, but, seeing the rapid advancement in the multi-rotor “drone” industry and its incorporated technologies, we could be seeing a better, more logical approach to the personal “flying car” thing people have been

Old Mini Coopers and Mini Mokes. One of each in my neighborhood and each time they go by I have to stop and watch it drive past, occasionally waving and giving a thumbs up and generally looking like an idiot. But a smiling, happier idiot. (The Moke that goes by hasn’t yet been filled like this. Wish it was.)

No affiliation and not sure where it originated, but I’ve always liked this one.

Well, she was pushing the envelope quite a bit more than the weekend flyer, so quite a bit more risk on her side. But, it is true regardless. Flying a small plane is some of the most amazing moments of my life. That, and auto racing. (Need to find some cheaper hobbies. Is knitting exciting?)

Truthiness. If it were me? “There’s a bit of poo!”

No, I haven’t had it happen (and hope I don’t have to experience it), and I’m not saying that two hands would stop or reduce the vibration. Just saying that two hands on the wheel would certainly allow for more control if needed.

You don’t know what you’re missing. Yes, not the safest thing in the world (about on par with riding a motorcycle from what I’ve read), but tremendous fun and an amazing experience.

Proper terminology is “piston single” denoting a single engine aircraft with a piston engine, as opposed to a “piston twin” or a “single-engine turboprop.”

Author shouldn’t have said “single piston.” Proper terminology is “piston single” noting that it is a single-engine aircraft powered by a piston engine, as opposed to a “piston twin”.

Agreed. All in all this was a pretty crappy landing. Too fast, improper crosswind technique, not controlling it once on the ground, etc. Lots to learn.

How about putting both hands on the wheel? Moron.

Someone got a triple word score for “FACILITY”.

Made in France.

Ha. Indeed. As have I. Love getting “nice landings” comments for one trip down the runway.

Also, when you’re used to a 8,000’ long, 300’ wide runway and you’re landing on a shorter, skinnier (150 foot) strip, that may mess up your perception and references quite a bit and make you think you’re higher than you are. So, take it easy on the drivers on their double landing. They still walked away, right?

Yes, funny, but dick move by Bowman. Guy jumps out of truck, possibly an unpaid volunteer, hustling to get to the fire and stumbles, and Bowman’s reaction? No no, don’t help or have any concern for the guy. Just get frustrated that he didn’t get to your flaming ride two or three seconds faster. Dick.

I’m guessing (and purely guessing) that this one suffered some damage and is coming home for repairs.

So, what are the guys in the F1 stop grabbing the side pods and roll hoop doing? Stabilizing so it doesn’t fall off the lifts to one side or the other? That’s my guess.