
Must be cozy under your rock!

A physical metaphor for climate change... where are we standing?

If they picked the jurisdiction right, it’ll be the case of “America’s Pastime vs Meddling Terrorists”... again, a summary judgement for plaintiffs.

This was actually a steam turbine ship, with huge boilers. It’s possible the boilers exploded when submerged, causing massive damage and exhaust of steam.

I saw this photo too, she clearly was not in very great control after landing. As usual, the fault lies in the organizers complacency, and the spectators being in the wrong place. I’ve attended a few rallies, and I ALWAYS find a stout tree to stand next to...

I was just just referring to his penchant for saying “... and this is true”, which means it’s complete horse-shit!

I was mostly thinking about how you know what she’s thinking. Your use of “truly” sounds very Trumpish.

Please qualify and explain your statements, because they seem like utter bullshit to me.

Makes me wonder why they don’t just light up the leak and have a pretty torch until they fix it.

No, not at all.

Take a long walk... on a short pier. ;)

You should stick to your forte, asinine comments about movies, and ad-hominem attacks.


It doesn’t actually... guaranteed.

The big clue is when she says “if you need a refresher”, which SHE clearly did. Kids these days...

Don’t be silly, the pizza was ordered for the interview specifically to make his garage look like a startup company rather than a garage.

Are you kidding? What an amazing road to DRIVE, and if there was traffic, which I doubt there would be much of out there in the countryside, think of all the overtaking opportunities, not a single double centerline in sight!

Now playing

No, those guys are completely sane. THESE guys are fuckin’ nuts...

For the in-car footage I posted, your will see from the video timestamps he started around 0:07 and finished at around 15:49, about 15:42 seconds. That’s an average speed of 63mph.

Now playing

You sound like someone who has never sat on the side of the road during a rally.