
They should start calling it “lactosing the intolerant”.

Temperatures at Everest have been rising steadily, which has led to melting glaciers and a rapidly changing landscape.

Mt Everest: Come for the views, stay because you died.

If they ever name a ship after trump, it needs to be a garbage scow.

Mostly trying to be funny.

These aren’t mutually exclusive, you judgmental ass. And i was trying to generate a bit of dark humor, but since that was obviously lost on you, let’s examine, shall we?

In a similar vein, I really hope I live long enough to see most of the people associated with the Trump Administration eventually become ‘Freedom fertilizer.’

John McCain was so concerned with this would be dictator that during his time serving in the Senate between the Inauguration and his death he voted with Trump 83% of the time.

This is just a reminder that Trump broke the toilet seat in the Oval Office bathroom in January 2017.

Do Fox News viewers realize that the working assumption of the people who produce Fox News content is that they are stupid, gullible idiots easily persuaded to vote against their own interests, because they are fucking dumb, and also who cares if they die? Or no?

Since they seem to be so invested in passing laws mandating a century-long prison sentence for doctors who perform abortions, why not impose a similar sentence on fathers who fail to pay child support? We’d see a turnaround in legislation fairly quickly, I’d wager. 

The machine apparently works fine now, though CSUEB music students can’t get high off it anymore.

I bet it smells like old pork rinds and pan-burned cheese.

Yes, he probably would shit himself.

Without AWD it’d better be rocking one mother of a limited slip diff up front.

I remain convinced that the person most upset with the 2016 Presidential Election results was...Donald Trump. He just ran to stoke his own ego. Back then he knew he had no business being President. But once he won, he had to do the job. So he convinced himself that he was the bestest everything ever and hasn’t stopped

“We don’t like the way he competes” Translation: He was pitching well and we were getting our ass kicked so we decided to throw a team tantrum. 

Black Mirror will be right again

This episode of black mirror sucks

We’re all agreed this guy is jacking it, right?