
Corollary: there is nothing about True Detective S1 that is entertaining except for Rust.

The real story here is that same rioter revealing that it’ll be a marksman.

I have no idea what any of this is is

From there Arkham City and Arkham Knight have been all about going bigger and having more Stuff. And not more of the stuff that made Arkham Asylum good...

You’re annoying.

or breakfast

The Jinx model has a misspelled tramp stamp. “strenght”

hots by far

Yi is a great example. I’ve just made it to silver with him and my winrate is over 80%

bet it was ninja gaiden

I think that picture came from my 9th grade history textbook

Lara Croft is a power fantasy for me, because the fact that she has tits don’t really enter in to it. I wish I could be a stone-cold acrobatic gunslinging badass who finds treasure in exotic locales. Samus Aran is a power fantasy for me because I wish I could be a badass alien zapping cave exploring bounty hunter with

I just really don’t understand any of your points at all. Nobody anywhere says “here womenz, this is your power fantasy. feel powerful.” You just take it or leave it, like anything else. If it doesn’t resonate with you, fine, but who the fuck are you to say that creatives shouldn’t or can’t try to make something that

I think it’s up to a creative professional to create whatever damn well pleases him or her. Nobody has to like it.

I hope she’s in something like they did that thing with leona and ahri and rengar and katarina and stuff.

This picture makes me think of Rayman

If Half Life 3 ever does come out I don’t think it’ll be announced at any sort of event like this. They’ll probably do another big awesome ARG like they did with the potatoes and such.

the inputs are based on the direction ryu is facing. if you want to hadouken behind you you’ll have to turn around first.

for as much as i didn’t like dishonored, i think the little blink ability is one of the coolest things ever.

I feel like I’m the only person in the world who didn’t like dishonored. I just thought it was super boring. Going back to town and having dumb exposition (i like story content in games and dialog and stuff a lot but Dishonored’s narrative was just bleh to me) was arduous and I felt like (as a longtime lover of