
I think you're the one setting up the requirement that the argument be "against safety regulations" which is so nebulous it reads to me like a straw man. Way I see it, you're on the affirmative side, so you have to present evidence that wearing latex gloves is a necessity.
As far as basic science goes, I say prove it.

If I had to defend the author, I might posit that the headline were written with the person who had no familiarity to the case whatsoever in mind. I'm like that; this is the very very first I've heard of anything. I also have no idea who these people are.
To me, the "deceased girlfriend" bit told me a lot, in only two

It's definitely cool as a method, but unfamiliar players should be made aware that the guy's character we're watching clearly outclasses everyone i've seen him fight. It wouldn't have mattered if he didn't trick them, anyway.

You're missing out man! Don't think of that kind of behavior as "asshattery" that is always bad. Just try it, with the hypothesis that sometimes game experience, while individually negative, can serve to make the positives better to the point that the negative experiences are actually having a net positive effect on

I get that campaign in titanfall is some multiplayer matches with poorly executed narrative content slapped on to them. I've never even played the game and I still don't see why the point has to be hammered home like this. You could've stood around and done nothing in any other deathmatch or whatever gametype and made

I can't say i've ever been "screwed over" by a gamestop. I don't preorder often but the few times I have I got my stuff on time. I don't care if the game i get has been opened before, i'm buying it to play it. I also don't care if gamestop doesn't give you very much for most used games. I figure it's because they're

he used it exactly right. The problem was he did it while his heart was beating

I always felt like the overuse (especially online) of words like "nigger" and "faggot" served to sort of lampoon how ridiculous it is to actually believe that way.

A friend of mine, who is a very experienced gamer and even a game developer ( he helped make Armed! for the windows phone) made this mistake. Since he's familiar with the series, he thought he just needed to fight better. Needless to say he spent many hours beating his head against a wall before he spoke up and got

It's true in call of duty as well. I hate to bring it up here because it's so often maligned but if it's a game of a coordinated, experienced team against another coordinated, experienced team I think it really can be something to behold.

one of the biggest "soft skills" that I see separating the casual players from

I would love to see what kind of reviews Bioshock Infinite would get if it were scored today.

Yes really. It's already been said quite adequately but thank you. We gamers know when a decision is a rush judgement to be there for the googlers in the morning, but still we appreciate it.

I love you Erin Gloria Ryan, I really do.

There's a series going on at Cracked.com right now that I wanted to mention to you. One of their authors is taking personal experiences from people like yourself with perspectives that many of us may not and making them into pretty badass listicles. Check out the articles on bomb disposal, correctional officer, and

My question exactly. Thanks JohnGreenArt for getting shit done

I would really like it if you could link some builds that come in at that price range, including case and monitor. When I was doing my own looking into the same stuff, I could easily get the machine for five or seven hundred but case and monitor was gonna run another $300+

I don't know how much you could get to in a month, since the good stuff requires some skills. As far as "boring" goes i'd say the bulk of the EVE experience could be described that way. The exploration gameplay is pretty much all single-player though, and it's pretty fun to go around hacking and stuff.

There's been a great deal of content added over the years that is specifically geared towards the solo player.

Frank's is for wings. It's not hot sauce, it's wing sauce.

I have been looking at a couple pictures of the both of them, the whole time trying to convince myself that they're not the same person. i can't believe it!