I wonder how much of the $60M was used to cover this weekend’s ski trip to Aspen for the (large) Trump family??? http://people.com/politics/trump-kids-ski-trip-100-secret-service-agents-aspen/
I wonder how much of the $60M was used to cover this weekend’s ski trip to Aspen for the (large) Trump family??? http://people.com/politics/trump-kids-ski-trip-100-secret-service-agents-aspen/
Now that is JUST the image I needed to get through this news cycle. Thanks!!
What a good, good boy!!!!
Drain the swamp, indeed. What a scumbag.
D Trump = Chauncey Gardiner
D Trump = Chauncey Gardiner
So much for “draining the swamp....”
I listened to it too. What an arrogant, condescending, equivocating jackass he is. I came this close to punching the radio—- which is such a non-NPR listener thing to do...
Hey— I thought he refused to shake hands/engage in “water sports” given his germaphobia?!!
And, unlike so many of the SNL cast, she didn’t appear to be reading the teleprompter!
Your point is well taken, but please remember that the payoff from the Tea Party’s (and alt-right’s) tactics came after many, many months and years of doggedly employing them. We can’t get discouraged if they don’t throw up and their hands and surrender after the first show of resistance from the left.
Has anyone seen the movie Scanners? Taking bets on how long before Sean Spicer’s head explodes.
This is particularly telling from WaPo.
Yet another reason why I will always love the early 90's Bulls!!!
Which, as anyone who understands how trade works (i.e. it’s a two way thing), will means the American People will ultimately pay in the form of higher prices of Mexican goods and decreased consumption of U.S. goods as Mexico (not to mention other countries) retaliates. It’s amazing how simplistic the Cheeto-in-Chief…
Ummm. My daughter and several of her 11 year old friends went from Chicago to march with their moms in DC. You seem to be arguing that this new generation of activists doesn’t count as much because they felt that their safety wasn’t an issue? Fyi, they made arrangements to go far, far in advance of the hoopla, when…
I was there too, after the crazy rain (while my daughter was in DC with her mom!) Hells yeah!
I am so glad my 11 year old daughter and all of her friends did NOT see an article like this before heading off to march with their moms. (And let’s face it, this could easily have been written before Saturday by the author, who appears to have made up her mind about the event even before it occurred.) Saturday not…