Porsche Taste on a Honda Budget

Most stressful, or most FUN?!

Those tax dollars are better spent on the innovation and ground breaking technology Musk’s companies are churning out. Working towards a sustainable future, or 8 cops and 12 construction workers standing around on massive OT, while 2 guys pretend to work? Still think it's a waste?

Give us more credit than that. I’m 26 and am well aware of what a “Compaq” is (us youngster like to capitalize proper nouns).

Good thought, however that shit has been drifting around in the atmosphere long before we weaponized it. Albeit, it was not in the same volume, but it has probably been broken down into so many parts per billion (trillion?) that the effects are will not harm us.

Haha that's my boy. He used to be a traffic cop in Providence, RI I would see him daily on my way to work.

I know people are being a little harsh on you, but seriously if you're not interested in the story don't click on it. Weed isn't solely the choice of red beady eyed hippies anyone. Times have changed my friend

Everyone seems to be hung up on the capybara. I’m still confused about why you are such an avid supporter of Jimmy Eat World.

Do you think the route was pre-planned and programmed?

Sorry Sean,

It would definitely take some getting used to. Our muscle memory and reactions have trained us to reach for that lever when it’s time to shift (unless you’re barbaric and like clutch less shifting everywhere). It would be enjoyable for long hauls and traffic but I see a lot of companies, looking at you Ducati,

I have a top of the line radar detector that cost me hundreds of dollars and has saved me from dozens of tickets... Except the one I got Friday morning on my way to work. Radar detectors are great pieces of tech, mine is linked to my phone, but if the cop isn’t shooting radar it’s not going to be picked up. He waited

Does anyone else find irony in the name “adventure hornblower”?

That’s just plain offensive, probably why it’s the only post I actually laughed out to...for a solid minute

So who's going to clean up all that hair the dog sheds? Clean you vacuum unicorn suede?

I would DD one of those 70s skylines all day, every day.... Every fucking day. Keep your modern gizmos, give me that old school love.

So does using “sux”

Why is the cover image, show the rider, riding through a snowstorm?

Addiction has no relation to a weak mind....

I think everyone is taking this at face value. It’s more than honoring a fallen police woman. With all of the violence towards police and other authoritative bodies, I think they’re trying to show unity and solidarity. It’s also a show of force and I think they’re trying to tell everyone “you fuck with one of us,