Porsche Taste on a Honda Budget

It happened a few years ago, I was driving down 95 on my way back from a Bruins game (I took the train halfway, so I had sobered up a bit). Out of the corner of my eye I saw a deer heading towards the road, as they always do, I swerved to avoid and narrowly missed hitting it. What I didn’t see was the black ice I

All of them, that’s right every single one that has been wedged between the front or rear axles. We may be upon the end of V12 engines for automobile applications. We should be praising them all. That being said...Mercedes twin turbo V12. That sound tho

I didn’t see it coming, but a lot of other people saw the asshole in the truck run the red light and run me over on my motorcycle. A broken femur and compartment syndrome in my thigh. Lucky to have my leg. The $40,000 settlement helped ease the pain...

I think the clarity and honesty of the sellers ad should be reiterated. That’s the most important part. Today’s lesson: Don’t be a dick and try to get one over on people. Some people (not myself included) rely on those $500 beaters as daily drivers. Sometimes I feel like we get caught up in the fact that the majority

I laughed at that 2025 number thinking ha! that’s so far away ...but it’s not. It’s only 8 years.

I’ve never liked the cabriolet (Cabriolet? is it a noun or an adjective? Seriously, how do we write it correctly?) versions. I don’t think they ever did the car any justice. Then again, I think every sports car should have a roof. But that’s merely my opionion of the aesthetics. Oh and rigidity. But what do I know.

Classic Yamaha yellow/ black block livery ftw EVERY FREAKING TIME. I think it makes their beautiful bikes gorgeous.

I love the look of wide body versions of regular cars. I want one and will one day do a wide body conversion. Once I do, I will also want everyone to drop their jaws and drool until they can’t see my tail lights anymore.

Glad to see some other RI jalops on here. I live in Jamestown.

You should at least let them know that what they have done is illegal. Nothing gets people motivated like the threat of a lawsuit. What equipment wasn't included, that was on the sticker?

That happened to me the day before thanksgiving two years ago.

You could sue for misrepresentation. Mention that and I’m sure they’ll get back to you. I’m surprised they haven’t realized you could take them down so swiftly they won't even know what happened. Highly illegal

Warwick RI?

A lot of people seem to be missing the point. Who cares about cycle rate or charging capacity or any of its short comings. THIS GUY MADE HIS OWN FUNCTIONING RAIL GUN!

He was arrested on suspicion of DUI, or she was arrested on suspicion of DUI?

And yes I am aware of the title situation

Pretty clean:

I'm so glad you didn't say two words

I wonder how much pollutants are released during the process of turning lithium into the Prius’ batteries? Are electric cars really that much better for the environment? Yes I understand that c02 emissions are lower than a normal combustion vehicle annually, however how much c02 is released into the atmosphere in the

I’m amazed at how quickly that Kawaski got up to speed. The speedometer seemed to be moving almost as fast as tach. #boosted #sorryforlamehashtag