
Every time I sell a car on BringATrailer, it’s the worst week of my life.

As a former 2-wheel daily commuter myself, a few points:

This honestly is my biggest fear in buying an EV.
If say chevy shits the bed tomorrow? My car still works.

2023 Chevy Bolt EUV

Max Verstappen still #1

The Lexus GS-F:

He hasn’t invented any of those things you listed, nor is he some kind of self-sufficient island to himself.
All the real work is done by teams of people he overworks and underpays.

And I’m personally denying those poor people because I don’t think any one person should have a net worth of over a billion dollars!

Just decided, driving the ‘97 Supra to lunch today. The window girl at Jack-in-the-Box really loves when I bring it by. I promise to cry all the way there and back though, on account of my lonely life.

Sad?  It’s a car website.  I have 5 cars in the garage.  The biggest struggle I have each day is deciding which one to drive to lunch.

Lol trying to make a trillion dollars look diminutive by calling it “1% of global GDP” is pretty fuckin rich.

Envy and self-loathing are no way to go through life, son.

Starlink will never be profitable.

I don’t need him to share his money with me, I have my own thanks.

SpaceX is operating in a field worth only a few billions a year.

Hey look, another whining Jalopnik article about Elon.

Your post shows your age, and what you were (or more correctly, weren’t) raised to fear.

With that list of cars, this:

What cars do you own? Interested to see which ones meet your high standards.

GM did this already, it’s called the ‘22+ Chevy Bolt and Bolt EUV. 225-250 miles of range, fits 4 adults comfortably, you can buy them used in the low $20's all day long.