
I’m not sure where the LC’s will bottom out but they’re still in the depreciation cycle, my ‘21 convertible with 7K miles traded back to the dealer at $78.5K and sold in the $83's. But that’s Denver in December. These cars under $60K start to become a crazy bargain.

The LC500 you see above represents 10 years of payments and good / lucky car decisions.

Now playing

Dude. I had an FJ, I wrote the buy/sell guide on FJCruiserForums. Sold it to buy a 4Runner. Now I help run the big annual Toyota offroading event in Ouray CO. If you plan on offroading your 4Runner, you should definitely come out.

Wife is a Navy E7 and hates Mustangs for the same reason.  If Raptors were a bit cheaper the Army guys could buy them before E5 lol

They can afford to build their own Supra. We know they can make awesome, non-boring cars. The LC and LFA prove that.

Because sometimes you want to drive a nicer car than the airman who just made E3 but is still living in base housing.

1. The manufacturers really need to get the “markup games” in check or they’re going to piss off an entire generation of buyers. I paid cash two months ago for an LC500 and while I didn’t expect the process to be the CU volleyball team wearing togas feeding me grapes, it sure as hell didn’t need to be “go through this

“close enough to $60K to not fully list the actual amount of $59,495"

Bought the real MKV Supra last year:

In 2012 I bought a ‘06 Honda S2000 for $18K. In 2017 I sold it for $21K and bought a ‘00 NSX for $67K. In 2021 I sold the NSX for $154K on BringATrailer:

The federal government should create a law legalizing manufacturer-owned stores in all 50 states — thereby Supremacy Clause’ing away all the state laws creating franchise dealerships — and put the franchise dealership model out of business.

The fast Lexus isn’t pretty because it doesn’t have to be. If you want the pretty Lexus:

I’ve been to the Lexus Performance Driving School a couple of times, the LC500 is a capable car but you can reach its limits. The first time I rode in an LFA I thought “I am the limiting factor of this car”. So I agree, it’s nice to have a car that isn’t so easy to do stupid things in.

I’m on my second LC500, my buddy has an LFA (only the 2nd I’ve seen).

“Infinite gears?  So infinite power?”

The ADL is effectively a speech regulating entity. Speech we all abhor, absolutely, but still speech.

I daily’d a Honda Big Ruckus 250cc to work for years, in temps down to ~15 degrees in Colorado. 1 gallon of gas a week with a 3 gallon tank made for a very cheap commute. Sure, you can get it up to 50 MPH then hit something stationary and kill yourself, but it isn’t a sportbike.

Alternately, keep the Tacoma and add a Miata.

$25K Chevy Bolt

My second LC gets here this week, buddy has an LFA. Yeah they’re not at the same level, obviously. On production count alone — Lexus looks on track to sell ~15-16K LCs total, vs 500 LFAs — you’ll never have an LC go to the moon like the LFAs have. Second gen NSX’s are just under ~2K cars total. I didn’t buy my first