As the formerly “cheapest AWD vehicle you could buy new”, the Suzuki SX4 would be a great suggestion if only the “second cheapest AWD vehicle you could buy new” from the same era wasn’t the Toyota Matrix.
As the formerly “cheapest AWD vehicle you could buy new”, the Suzuki SX4 would be a great suggestion if only the “second cheapest AWD vehicle you could buy new” from the same era wasn’t the Toyota Matrix.
Not that they’re in any way even remotely the same, but if “old Japanese cars” are your thing and the 2000GT is out of your price range, S600/S800's are mighty affordable:
Are cash and stocks the only ways that executives are compensated by companies? Nope. Are stocks the only type of assets that wealthy people own? Nope.
Do mean to say that Elon Musk has produced $238 billion in labor over his time in the work force?
Well we still get a shit ton of tax revenue in the mean time.
But if you’re an industrialist who is taking advantage of the situation
Is all debt bad?
You have no other option and take the job. Is my $990 profit (let’s assume the sandwich cost $10) ill-gotten or totally fine?
That’s what global tax rate agreements are hoping to stop.
You mean aside from being the son of a very wealthy family and already a millionaire?
Can you please read this and tell me what she is wrong about?
Completely ignorant? Not at all. They understand the math of investing in politicians better than the rest of us:
Most billionaires don’t exert their power by buying political ads. They donate to gain access, then threaten to cut off the donations if that access doesn’t buy results.
Are you not on the same internet that I’m on, where you can google for your own answers?
seems like they’ve done just fine building wealth on the back of the rest of our labor
The total wealth owned by these people is a small fraction of the US debt. This is tyranny of the majority, pure and simple. Let’s not pretend that this “fixes” anything, we still spend more than we earn and our children and their children will suffer for it. It is simply legalizing the taking of money from people who…
~8 bales of hay = 2 out of 4 on payload scale definitely seems like a hefty “Margin of error”