Jimmy Avoid the Clap Dugan

It's fun though when the chp goes flying by you while you're doing 80 on the freeway.

Forgive him, he's been cryogenically frozen for the last 20 years awaiting better tech products.

He definitely didn't come up with "Park Different".

I don't know why I scrolled through the comments expecting anything less than what I saw.

damn you

So if SOPA and ProtectIP pass thursday, will these be the guys enforcing them? Time to burn some hard drives.

And I, this here.

I thought Japan was teaming with robots, why can't they send those in there?

Good call. Who needs schemer, I know what I'm doing tonight.

It's what plants crave.

Nice house you've got there.

Just got done getting owned by one of them.


Hmmm... He's got a different job title than the one in this article.

Dammit, dammit, dammit! Really HP? You couldn't have waited until sunday?

So if anyone ever makes it to Santa Cruz, Hit up a place called "Burger." (period included). They have some of the best burgers this side of the solar system. My favorite is their Luther. And they have EVERYTHING on tap.

If I get this for Christmas, I'm leaving home and taking a self-finding journey to alaska.

Finally, photographic proof of Zuckerberg involved in... fowl play.

I figured it out! Gawker made it so that videos auto-play when you open them from the lead pic. But if you click the actual title link, it does not autoplay! Spread the word!

Time to move to molybdenite valley.