
You're forgetting that this is all condensed into a very focused point source.

Apple Circle Jerk!!!

+atari pong

This is what is wrong with Apple fans. They put crap like this in there because they love to circle jerk.

I like to think that he wrote down Star Wars, but somebody pointed out that Star Trek was better.

These are the things that he needs to checkout. Standout areas of society that he missed while frozen.

This belongs up there with such memorable quotes as:

In contrast to the countless doom articles on all these gawker sites.

My big glug!!!

It's like chunky people in a singles bar.

Capcom spawns nothing but garbage....

Drafty. dusty, and full of cats... what an awesome garage.


What the fuck?!

I think this is just a suspended filament... precursor to a Hyder flare.

I think I know what happened....

I love it when idiots on the news think they can just talk about whatever they want without having a clue about it. It's like they've actually convinced themselves that they know everything, and have this internal mechanism that converts imaginary BS into a format where they actually believe it's true.


That's because CNN's anchors are airheads, and their "experts" are just a bunch of arrogant morons who think that stating anything confidently means that you're correct.

I was eating a Big Mac when I saw this and threw it in the garbage after the first bite.