
Dalacin-T as a topical antibiotic has worked wonders too. Try it out.

Love that huge patch inland Oregon. *banjo music*

You mean "surreal"?

My long term memory is quite good, and I can generally recall everything that happens to me. The problem is that it's extremely fragmented, and seems to have come at a cost of my short term memory.

Pimp mobile.

Because a bipedal design works PERFECTLY in space....

It... it already is....

Uh..... the court system doesn't give a crap if you're a man or a woman. In fact, with good behavior, you might even have a better chance to get out of there being a woman. You're not quite as imposing or threatening as a guy, usually.


Women's lives?

Look at it this way. This affords people ample opportunity to put a lead slug through his head.

Congrats Jezebel! It couldn't have happened without your help.

LOL! Italian robotics.

Now announcing the sequel to Bravely Default!

Ba-dum Tsssh


The biggest downside of seeing the epilogue only and not the full story is the amount of things simply left unexplained. This includes the very foundation of the setting—i.e., how a mere 73 years into the future (from the date Cowboy Bebop first aired) humanity has been able to terraform other planets, moons, and


Tesla park!

Hmmm... No diesel, no sale. When will these jerks learn.