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    Ive seen most of the movies on that list, don't remember any of them.

    How is the Gladiator a compromise? Most midsize and half ton trucks are crew cabs with short beds. It has the highest tow rating for midsize trucks. Aside from being a FCA product, there is no better truck on the market right now.

    Currently doing 100 miles a day in my Colorado. I think that's my longest. I wouldn't mind a longer commute if the traffic was better.

    Not interested in anything that isn't available here or going through some sort of import process. The idea of having to struggle to find parts is also a turn off. For that, I vote R35 by default. Wouldn't even entertain the idea of a special import.

    There is also the problem of dealers refusing to place special orders. Last time I went shopping, I wanted a regular cab 4wd long bed with power seats. Could not find a dealer that would order it for me.

    I have, too. Had a few with gray interiors. Hated them. Black only.

    I just like grayscale colors. Every car looks better in grayscale. Ford’s Magnetic Gray is my favorite. Even Ferrari looks better in gray.

    Nope. Paint won’t stick to those kinds of plastics. It’ll flake right off with the first impact of road debris.

    This kind of plastic is not the kind you can paint. The paint will not stick. The color is in the plastic.

    Tesla can suck it.

    I remember single spoke bullet wheels in the 90s.

    It seems like Rich went out of his way to build this in the hackiest manner. Lost a lot of respect for him while watching this build.

    Use to have this happen all the time backing my Semi out of my driveway. Like this truck, the primary drive axle was the rear most axle. There was just enough pitch to my driveway  to lift that axle when backing out. Had to activate the power divider to engage the middle axle.

    Fire every last SOB that walked off the job. Striking is unacceptable. Just go in every day and do a half assed job. It’s the American way.

    That may be the most beautiful car I’ve ever seen.

    Death to all Crew Cabs.

    The Wrangler truck I dreamed of came with a usable truck bed, not the tumor on the back of that frame. I’d rather have less cab space and more bed space.

    Sorry, the entire franchise is crap. I can’t imagine intentionally watching any of the movies more than once.

    No, no it wasn’t. It followed the same tired trope of all family unit sitcoms created since at least the 80's. Asshole kids. Loud, angry, exhausted, mom, and a dopey dad.

    Looks like an updated Bitch Basket to me.