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    Any time I see something like this caught on video, especially with that kind commentary, I assume it’s staged. Why else would loading a boulder be recorded?

    I’ve only recently gotten interested in BMW’s. The Z3 and Z4's are some of the best looking cars BMW’s made.

    It only need another 120 HP and it’ll be good.

    Flush the rust out of your eyes, David. That’s hideous. Fugly, even.

    If you can look at a 124 and say the Miata looks better, stuff forks into your eyes. They’re useless.

    See, I don’t care about trunk space. I only ever used my trunks for groceries and there’s no reason those can’t ride on the passenger seat like they do in my truck.

    The Z4 is one of my almost affordable dream cars. Sucks the new one has a canvas top, though.

    Nice Mustang impression.

    That is a terrible color combo. I love racing, but, I also hate liveries. I’ve never looked at a racecar paint scheme and thought I’d want a road car that looked just like it.

    I wish I had $5K to spend. That’s so close to being my dream truck, it isn’t funny. The clearance lights are the only part I don’t like.

    My 92 Euro Sedan was a great car. Dads bought it new and then gave it to me 8 years later as a graduation present. It was showing its age when we parted ways, but, only the A/C had failed me. I’m going to Nice Price it because I’d probably buy one if I had cash to burn.

    Word is that he will be replaced by Juan Pablo Montoya.

    The Magnum was cool in concept, but, it suffered from a sever case of Mopar.

    WTF? Genysis was great. I’d rather forget Salvation ever happened, along with T3,

    You have excellent tastes in women.

    I wish a bear would get stuck in my truck. It’d be worth it just for the story, also so insurance would write it off and I could upgrade.

    I owned a 15. Ex-wife took it in the divorce. I was so glad to have that car taken away from me. Every day I commuted in that POS, I wished for it to get totaled.

    Any article on the Mazda6 that doesn’t come out and call it a turd cannot be trusted. This car could make 600HP and it would still suck to drive. Death to the Mazda6.

    I realized that every car I’ve owned was the same thing in different packaging. MIdsized, FWD, Sedan. Nothing fun. Nothing exciting. Nothing wanted. My Mazda6 was as dull to drive as my Lumina and Grand Prixs before it. I was never so glad see a car leave my life as I was when my ex wife drove off in it.

    My phone’s OK Google trigger has been triggered by Podcasts it was playing that did not include that phrase.