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    So much want. So little monies.

    No Scrambler. No Care.

    Translation: Australia is still trying to kill everything.

    I’d love to buy a Z4, but, it falls way outside my current budget. I’d even use it as my primary driver.

    You know nothing about my needs!

    Can we trade this idiot for one with more boobs, less penis, and a passion for public nudity?

    LS Swapped BRZ.

    True Crime Podcasts are best for road trips.

    I’d rather walk than invest the kind of money needed to make this driveable.

    Until I find myself in a position where I can afford a second car again, I will continue to drive a pickup. I’d love to have a truck and a car, but, that’s not in the budget. I may not haul a lot and I never go off road, but, I consider a truck to be a priority. That doesn’t mean fuel economy isn’t a priority as well.

    2 door Sport with A/C and a hard top. Any transmission and any color.

    I’d rather have a stock Hurcan and no pop up headlights.

    I want one of these so bad.

    I’ll put a big decal on the back of my Colorado if you pay for it.

    New Hosts. Not watching these guys.

    Dear GM,

    There is no new vehicle that I am more interested in than the new Wrangler and Scrambler. I’d sell a testicle to buy one.

    I will sell a Testicle for one of these. Buyer’s choice: left or right.

    Batman should have kept the Tumbler.

    I’d love an RV. Ideally, a smaller one, but, I still want one. Being able to road trip with my dogs and not worry about lodging is where the appeal is for me.