
Baghdad was doomed when your poster boy Bush fucked up the whole country.

Ha, oh the irony. No fucking national pride in this one.

Don't feed the troll.

Don't feel the troll.

Only for those Democratic voters, those "small government" voters get 3 sheets of tin foil.

You reek of something far worse. Shit your pants again, or just leaving your mouth open?

Perhaps start by NOT RESPONDING to it.

The French say "Ai!" Weird.

Fixed it!

As the rock passed by, I thought the cameraman said "Ow, fucking arsehole", then I realized to be standing that close this would have to be in a former Soviet state.

Add to Amazon Wishlist.

Everyone knows it IS a LEAP... the question is why would anyone use a LEAP. Utter garbage product.

Twitter users, so sage.

I owned one of these, license 84 TURBO. RIP!

Miss my 84 turbo esprit so much :(

Knee-jerk reaction? Really?

1) Ring of Contrariness

I didn't know any of this.

When I first saw this I thought it was a new Glass design to make people feel sorry for Glass users.

Even a robot would have gotten the joke and stopped at "We Tu Lo".