Jim Jimjim

I agree, the Undiscovered Country was a pretty interesting film.


"The quintessentially defining characteristic of Christianity is the belief in Jesus's divinity."
Arian Christians would disagree. So would many Christians who lived before Constantine.

I have not heard of most of these movies and television programs, except for Game of Thrones, which I would rather skewer my eyeballs out than watch.

Yahoo personals is the Emperor Taizong.

1. How would you know anything at all about what he knows about film making?
2. Instead of only saying "What if I told you that people who have forgotten more about film making", why don't you link to articles where the people you are referencing are expressing the opinions you attribute to them?

You might be influenced by them, or you might not be.
Either way, they know a hell of a lot more about food than you do and their opinions would and should carry more weight than yours.

Are you still talking?

For someone very unconcerned with a term, you sure talk about it a lot.

Good riddance.

Die Bruce gotta eat!