Why not both?
Why not both?
The statement was for public consumption, not a legal argument. The average consumer is not as able to parse the subtle nuances of the statement as you are.
I was thinking that you could swap in a VW Bug front suspension, remove the hood and fenders and voila!- A miniature delivery roadster!!
I’m with you. I’ve owned 4 Kias and loved every one of them. They have been the low price/high value secret for a long time. I’d buy the Stinger in a heartbeat if I wasn’t in a wheelchair.
Representin’ Manville!
“Bond...Adhesive Bond.”
“He likes exhaust stickers.”
I used to work for one of the Big Three. My job required that I get a new vehicle every three months or so. My wife and I had a saying, usually uttered as we drove across a curb or lane divider: “It could be worse. It could be ours.” Once turned in these cars became “factory rep vehicles.”
What’s the Korean home-market name and badge look like? Go ultra obscure FTW.
Judging by the contents, that looks like a trip to Goodwill.
I moved from NJ to VA over 20 years ago, and still visit family in East Brunswick. New Jersey’s motto should be, “New Jersey. A great place to be from, not in.”
I grew up driving cars that I was proud to have never spend more than $100 on. Naturally, coming to stops usually required throwing said vehicle into neutral and goosing the gas pedal to keep the thing running.
It is absolutely true that money cannot buy happiness. It can, however, buy a better class of misery.
Was the woman in the blue dress not an adult?
The problem was the woman in the blue dress attacked the other woman. Violence sure stopped that problem.
Anchan’s a Jalop. No doubt about it.
Sounds like you know what you got.
I used to rock a ‘92 LeSabre. It was like a couch with wheels.
Hmmm... Maybe I need to break out my 2005 Trailblazer and snag an easy 2nd place.
It’s a good thing he was speeding. Otherwise he wouldn’t have made it to the scene of the wreck in time. His “first responder time” was excellent.