
I guess they couldn’t run out on to the fields with the white hoods on for safety reasons?

White person here. Only seen the first few episodes so far. It seems catered to white people. There is stuff on there that is controversial and mind blowing for a lot of my white friends, but is mostly full of stuff that my black friends were saying years ago. I’ve found it fairly enjoyable, but none of it is all

When practicing for the RNC, I lined my kids up on the couch and made them listen to me countless times!

They wouldn’t like the real Jesus, he’s brown.

My favorite Jesus meme:

I’m pretty sure that Jesus said as he was curing lepers and stuff “If you believed in me, this wouldn’t have happened to you.” And then mentioned something about bootstraps.

Something something rich men something camels something needles.

I feel that a properly designed hell would not let you see that.

(Fig. 1) A graphic representation of the number of fucks I give about this book that describes how the 22 year old Obama did shit a 22 year old does.

Shit, now the Orioles will have to protect their honor by drilling someone on Holbrook’s crew.

Its Murdaaaaaaaaaa

Yea but as the author pointed out - This movie is sold as being about as an adaptation of the book which treats Skloot as a side character and the writing the book as a subplot to guide the narrative, but the movie shifted focus to the white writer and her ‘journey’. It’s just another example of taking main black

Counterpoint: Cancer researcher dying of cancer.

But what if you have a really shitty deathbed? I be a few people might think, “man, one or two more shifts and this thing could’ve been a lot more comfortable”

You think people rolled out of bed and decided to tie their self esteem not just to how much money they make but even more insidiously to how good of a worker they are, to the extent that they valorize not even taking advantage of their employer’s benefits package, to the point that they become depressed and lose

The best is when people you know talk about how “productive” they are and feel the need to be “productive” on their days off from work, because if they aren’t actively accomplishing something then they are a failure.

You know what nobody’s said on their deathbed? “I wish I’d worked more.”

To be fair the wife and kid probably wanted him to go back to work. I mean could you imagine spending more that a day with that guy?

Potaders! Just whip baby!