both Lifehacker's charts and the source charts are off... really, people, is it THAT hard to get a spreadsheet together? *siiiiiigh*
both Lifehacker's charts and the source charts are off... really, people, is it THAT hard to get a spreadsheet together? *siiiiiigh*
this really isn't that great of a photoshop...
Nice to meet you, Lisa.
hahahah WOW... where's that delete button? ::trollface::
All I wanna know is can you install a new launcher?
So basically, you just trace?
"First, being a poor New Yorker Jerseyan means I don't exactly have the means to separate my precious delicates from the rest of my laundry."
$5 1TB drives? Nope, just Chuck T-.... oops, wrong website
Well played, sir!
Let me know when they sue God for creating Man.
9.9 mm > 9.3 mm
gouging my eyes out over this one
Since I don't have anything nice to say, I won't say anything at all.
Ooh, an article about a phone with an awesome camera! Can't wait to see some sample images! *scrollscrollscrollscrollscroll...* DAMMIT.
sounds like somebody's cranky cuz they haven't leaked any iPhone 5 exclusives
"while it may not be the most stable or speedy plugin around, we still recommend you install it"
2011 looking kinda sparse... will the iP5 be the only other device to join that branch?
urethra comedian or a perv
to say these three words: "Keep the change..." BLAM! BLAM! BLAM!
"It's the real LTE, super fast, blazing speed 4G we want."