
So long as there is more than one button, I may be open to this Apple car.

OMG...I saw that top pic and....

Couldn’t stop laughing, thank you!

That’s what I call a #Hardiburn

It will be soon followed by his third worst decision in life: buying another Insight. This man needs Insight but not in the form of a car.


When the back-up lights went on I spit milk out my nose.

So what you’re saying is that two wrongs *do* make a right?!

I don’t know, I was marveling at how “floaty” that car was. Is that normal?


Buying a Honda Insight is still the worst decision he’s ever made, a problem somehow solved by the second worst decision he’s ever made.

“I can’t swim! I can’t swim!”

Of course my power is out while I read this lol.

Of course my power is out while I read this lol.

Hell, I’d settle for the hatch.

Call me when they sell this one -

Trans-Am is awesome. America needs to watch more Trans-Am

In your defense, your hands are still bigger than Trump’s.

I’ve heard that. Sorry.

Sorry to hear that.

Exactly why he has price negotiable on there. Low ball him, steam clean it and drive it every day for as long as you can. A charger hellcat that looks like every other charger on the road.. or a spaceship.