
History books will one day cite this as the deathknell of market-based capitalism:

Unless you are really gunning for Splatoon 2 or any of the indies coming this spring/summer, probably no harm in waiting till Mario comes to get a Switch, especially since there might be a better deal or pack-in by that point.

Yeah Okafor didn’t win them that game. Douchecanoe Grayson Allen getting bailed out by refs on every drive won that game.

Cuz hes the goddamned best.

How is your connection to this website possible, since you are obviously not using any of the corporate powers’ and their stakeholders’ underground cables?

Ray Lewis gets into HOF, he murdered a dude. But TO, he is a bad teammate, no HOF.

DRM, I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if we were good developers or bad. Why we code, or why publish. All that matters is that few stood against many pirates. That’s what’s important! Valor pleases you, DRM... so grant me one request. Grant me revenge! And

Nerd alert.

Wow, you must be fun at parties.

When the recruit punks your ass but then you remember Trump is in office and it makes you happy again.

It’s gotta be down to console sales, surely. The Wii U version still sold relatively well for the number of people who owned the console.

This seems like something Sony could shut down with a day of work.

Are we talking about the same Villanova team that won the championship last year?

You guys just got owned by Ted Cruz. Delete your twitter account.

I honest to god believe that after years of being a star chaser, getting a hit tv show and still being stuck with the likes of Billy Bush, or doing the ‘celebrity’ version of the apprentice and barely able to get 2-3 people a season remotely approaching cool, he went to the WHCA Dinner, and saw all the real celebs

I don’t think he buys what he’s selling. “They’re running out of dresses” is such a simple-minded, naive fabrication that it’s almost charming, but no I honestly believe this is KILLING Donald. He pulled the mother of all cons to win King Of The World, and no one will come to his party, because no one loves him. This

“No, no, now Lou, nobody called anyone a J.T.”

Have you considered that shooters might just not be your thing? Because Halo (at least before 343 shoved in all the unnecessary garbage like perks and unlocks and loadouts) is as about as pure an FPS experience as you can get this side of Quake. This isn’t meant to be a knock on you at all, but I’ve noticed that

Too soon...to take him in the draft when Derrick Brooks was still on the board.

Thanks for the warning. Can we move on now? Some of us didn’t like either of the candidates and just want this nightmarish election cycle to end. We get it, Trump is “literally Hitler” and a real poopy head, but you know what? I heard practically the same kinds of things from conservatives when Obama was elected.