
Nothing can compare with the BS NMS promised before launch.

To be cool. Hip-hop has been the most popular genre for over 20 years and its use has been commonplace for just as long. Nobody is saying (mostly) attempting to seem like their Racist Uncle Earl. They want to be black.

It’s a word. Who cares? There are about a million things African Americans care about than a stupid word.

Tried it last night. Just not my cup of tea. It seemed too easy.

Am I missing something? He straight up admits he was wrong and wants to change, is that not a silver lining?

From my experience, they aren’t even really good at what they do. Just have book-smarts and a willingness to forgo their 20's in order to be incredibly overpaid for the rest of their lives.

Is Drone not the obvious answer?

Can’t hurt.

The easiest thing that we can do to change the conversation is start rightly shaming doctors. Doctor’s seem to get a pass on criticism when they are directly responsible for ruining millions of peoples lives. Doctors should be ashamed and should be shamed publicly.

You really not gonna mention the incredible “Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey Jr on Nintendo 64.”?

You are a wierdo.

Dan Le Batard is a minority? He looks as white as every Joe Schmuck at your local sports bar.

I mean, is she not hot?


Why would someone endanger their possibility of working for free and proceeding to a life with little to no valuable skills in today’s workforce?

Pretty sure whales account for 80% of $$$ earned or something like that

No character will ever be more out of place for a game than Tachanka in R6:Siege lol

Make it about Larry Bird, then I might be interested.

The 76er’s also want market value for his trade.

No Ryu from Smash 4?