Bayonetta is a broken ass character
Bayonetta is a broken ass character
I’m still waiting on a Brute Force sequel
Silver needs to step in and break up the super team. Remove the max contract cap so super stars aren’t so tempted to team up. This NBA season was pretty much just Cavs vs Warriors. Next it will be Warriors vs Nobody.
Marvin “No Fun” Lewis called it off.
So is this effectively like Tripping in Brawl?
Both owned by Activision, so no need to give Valve 30% of the cut.
This is genius.
This is genius.
This historic event will mark its place in the history books.
Ukraine has some fine looking females.
Silver lining being he will get drafted in 2 years or will he be out of the game at that point?
I can almost feel the snark emitting from Deadspin today.
CK’s was funnier
Who cares?
Am I the only one that doesn’t think money changes people that much? I mean, we are all walking the green mile regardless of your bank account.
Um, this is porn lol
You’re headline is backwards.
Innocent people are jailed as well, should we get rid of jail?
It only snowballs every year because of the draft. The bad teams in the east have inflated win totals because they beat each other every year. So their draft positions are artificially high.