
Sometimes I wonder if inventions were reversed would we be equally as awed. Like imagine if we always used motion controls then today they released: “Brand new UI, mouse and keyboard”

Its not complicated. Its theft.


Super interesting!

Gosh, these numbers are just crazy to watch “student” intramural athletics.

Yea but the Google Play store is required right? Google is just nice enough to let you play with other ecosystems they condone.

Any guesses on the title of his inevitable book? I am guessing “The game and me: how I saved the NBA”

Man that video is sad, just a kid.

I love it when I start watching a video and then Deadspin’s video ad overlays on top of it!

I mean, wouldn’t elections do that? If a mayor runs on being tough on crime and the victims vote him in, then that would be what he is saying.

This looks great. I am sticking to my “no early-access” policy after DayZ.

Not saying paid parental leave shouldn’t be pursued, but this is a freak accident and you could draw parallels to almost any situation where even the smallest amount of risk is involved.


Ur a genius, we can all sell our pcs and buy PS4s now. Thanks!

Not to throw a wet blanket on this whole thing. But isn’t it more likely that he is just mentally ill and would’ve needed some kind of medication regardless of football?

Not saying its a bad plan. But unless the next Lebron is in the 16 draft they will still be a bad Western Conference team with that core.

I would gladly use an Ad-blocker which is off by default then lets my blacklist sites with obnoxious ads. Unfortunately, that doesn’t exist.
