Jim Topoleski

@pauljones: for shits and giggles I went looking around for what it would take monitarily to do a restore replace of the kind you are talking about.

@grzydj: except for the interior, the Cobalt hands down IS better than the last 2 generations of the Civic. Honda made a great car terrible.

@tempesjo: sorry dude, even diehard VW fans know crack when they see it.


whats not to like the guy continues to drive a Taurus SHO. He has millions yet his car is still a Taurus SHO he loves enough to make whole sketches around.

@DennyCraneDennyCraneDennyCrane: I am sorry but there is just too much supporting evidence that proves the contrary, and that you are wrong the biggest issue being the one Letterman pointed out which was if your bosses tell you they dont want you, and are going to force you to retire why in gods name would you STAY

@Tanshanomi: because you only care about money and your own product, and even then many dont care.

@CAJensen01: You are under the impression anyone involved actually gave a rats ass it was one, or even knew what it was.

@noboard: was going to say that. The west has a entirely different take on work, employment, taxes, and executives, and tends to employ 2-3 times more people to get the job done vs the US which minimizes employees to maximize profits.

@MrThunderfield: nope, from what some people have said, NBC in Asia and some other markets they show the show a day after it airs here showed last weeks show with Ricky Gervais

@philibuster: I think that it wasnt funny in terms of NBC. Likely the licensing fees for Satisfaction was the 1.5 million dollars, but the car gave them something to show for it as people wouldn't appreciate the song costing 1.5 million to air.

@rorkimaru: no it was never named anything at first, then renamed Episode IV upon its second release into theaters before Empire.

@housewarmer: amazing bullshiters. Its an artform. If you can bullshit well, not even a lack of college education would keep you from a multi-million dollar salary.

@Greedo: not almost. NBC DID cancel it after 2 years under his watch.

Dont forget that Ebersol failed so royally with SNL, that it was only through the ability of Eddie Murphy and Joe Piscopo that he managed to make it last 2 years before NBC CANCELED SNL and begged Lorn to come back.

@gackto: scratch that, someone below pointed out it was in practice they used the sticks, not at the torny it's self