I suppose the inverse of that question is “do you leave the radiator heat on so high that I keep my windows open in January?”
I suppose the inverse of that question is “do you leave the radiator heat on so high that I keep my windows open in January?”
Share what you’re feeling in the moment
This is the only reasonable comment i found in this whole thing. Tip of the hat for you my good sir!
No their saying it’s okay that women do it because blah blah blah the patriarchy, that and of course men are the root of all things evil in the universe. Nothing says equality like having different rules for different people...
Thanks for Mansplaining... Ironic right?
Education means nothing. I know plenty of people with degrees in fields they know nothing about. It has nothing to do with gender. There are morons of both genders.
Condescension is a gendered thing now?
Thank God they’re getting rid of the AMT! Horrid thing.
I believe on the NYC subway the wrong car is the one where you get in and you’re alone except for a guy wearing nothing but Pikachu body paint and a gimp mask.
I would prefer we live in a society that gives people enough opportunity where they are never in a position where they need to survive to steal. But in your extreme example, unfortunately, yes. We live in an imperfect world full of imperfect humans. You have to have rules and laws. If not, chaos/anarchy ensues. If…
Jeez. Again with the name calling? Can’t you come up with a more intellectual argument? I’ve asked you and others - where is the line when stealing crosses from wrong to right? No one seems to be able to answer that question for me.
+ 1,000. You are so right that these posters likely villify insurance companies - until it suits their moral argument. Everytime you or I mention this slippery slope, it is not met with logic or reason but with “fuck you...you have no heart”. Thanks Jim for being one of the few rationale humans here.
Well said, sir. I am shocked at the level of venom and hatred I have received for saying that stealing is wrong. I realize these people are desperate but desperation does not make it acceptable to break the law.
If this is the best argument you can come up with after many others have offered much more detailed explanations of why you are wrong, maybe you need to reconsider that you don’t really know jack shit about the differences of smartphones beyond your preference of what OS they run.
People that bash someone else’s…
His point is that the lengths that people will go to to discredit a system from a theoretical standpoint is pretty fucking ridiculous.
Apparently you aren’t because Jim addressed that in the very comment you are commenting on.
Having the sick impulse to call the cops, from the site of one of the worst flood disasters in American history, to report victims of that flood for looting a supermarket; but also: a crime
I try to steer clear of the circlejerk as much as anyone, but your concerns are not warranted here.
Unless they use the exact same technology, saying that Apple’s face recognition is bad idea because Samsung’s is bad, is like saying a Ford pickup truck is bad because a Toyota pickup truck is bad.